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Agility • Trained Only

Use Acrobatics to flip, dive, roll, tumble, and perform other acrobatic maneuvers, as well as keeping your balance under difficult circumstances. 



You can keep your balance and move along a precarious surface at your ground speed minus 1 rank with a successful Acrobatics check against the surface’s DC. A degree of failure indicates you spend your move action just maintaining your balance and do not actually move, while two or more degrees of failure means you lose your balance and fall.

You are vulnerable while balancing. If you accept a +5 in- crease to the Acrobatics DC, you are not vulnerable.

If you fail a resistance check while balancing, make an- other immediate Acrobatics check against the original DC to avoid falling.



You can make Acrobatics checks for various acrobatic stunts or maneuvers, from back flips to jumping over an opponent (to get behind them), flipping up onto a ledge, tumbling through obstacles, and so forth. The GM sets the DC. Suc- cess means you accomplish the maneuver, while failure means you do not, and two or more degrees of failure usually means you slip and end up prone (and may suffer ad- ditional effects, depending on the stunt). A successful acro- batic maneuver may provide you a circumstance bonus on certain follow-up actions, if the GM sees fit.



You can make a DC 20 Acrobatics check to go from prone to standing as a free action rather than a move action. A failed check means you remain prone.



You can make an Acrobatics check (DC 5) to lessen damage from a fall, reducing the damage by 1 per degree. A fall reduced to rank 0 damage does no damage and you quickly roll to your feet as a free action. Otherwise, you are prone at the end of a fall.

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