The Strategy Game Rules
All players have 3 action points to use per turn. This number can be increased in very rare circumstances by certain in game events or plot rewards. Each action is assigned to a day if possible and you will undertake your action on this day. In the event of two players acting on the same day on the same plot or action an initiative roll will be made to determine who acts first.
If players actions are superseded and if they are absolutely unable to continue with their action as planned the player will revert to taking the opportunity action of spying to discover the reason for having to change their plans. In rare circumstances a player may be invited to submit an alternative action. Submittting a defensive action covers the whole week regardless of the day action are taken or order of player turns.
You may move your own character to any linked territory you control without hindrance.
You may also elect to move out of your own territory but are at risk of being spied on or even captured or attacked. You must state the journey you take to your characters destination, movement powers and stealth skills make your chances of being caught or spotted much lower.
You may burn 1 power to ensure safe travel in a vehicle or appropriate explanation to safely reach a destination.
Henchmen logistics;
May be assigned each turn through your linked territories but their distribution must be declared at the start of your turn, you must also allocate henchmen to plots being undertaken and to defending tactical positions but note these henchmen will not count towards defense of the area they are in if it is attacked.
Every district has one common commodity available within it. You can draw this commodity from the territory using a single action point so long as you own an active HQ on the map.
A set number of supplies exist in some territories, by drawing them you deplete them from the area and stockpile them in your HQ for later distribution.
Some territories are drop off points or have manufacturing capabilities for supplies, these generate supplies at the stated rate per turn, the arrow indicator on a territory explains that it regenerates.
HQ character sheet Supplies deplete at a rate of;
1+(each territory you control) per turn.
Supplies represent food, water, survival gear, medicines and first aid equipment.
Supplies dictate how many Henchmen you can support.
Max henchmen = 2 x supplies
Supplies can be used as a tradable commodity, so long as a neighboring territory contains the commodity you wish to purchase and you have an active HQ.
You may sell 3 supplies for 1 power
You may sell 1 supply for 2 Henchmen.
Power represents the technological and equipment muscle to backup your operations. It can represent fortifications, guns, vehicles, armor and so forth.
Power can be committed to actions to increase the likely hood of success, 1 power equates to +1 on any roll or action. It can be consolidated into permanent defenses in a location.
Power is finite and the levels on a territory will be depleted. Certain plots in the game can reward power.
Power can be used as a tradable commodity, so long as a neighboring territory contains the commodity you wish to purchase and you have an active HQ.
You may sell 1 power for 2 supplies
You may sell 2 power for 1 Henchmen.
The physical might of your enterprise, the lackeys, drones, assistants and minions there to watch your back or carry out unenviable duties just to get fed and kept alive.
Your henchmen numbers are limited to your Supplies x 2
Henchmen will automatically defend territories they reside in.
Henchmen can be used to attack territories adjacent to ones they occupy.
(NB. Certain plot actions or abilities may overrule this during the story)
Each henchmen adds +1 to your chances of success in defending or attacking, they also add +1 to any plot they are allocated to.
You must specify the allocation of your henchmen across your territories and plots every turn.
A TERRITORY (or a Tactical position)
When you attack an enemy territory you will make a skill roll appropriate to your characters methods.
Skill result + henchmen + additional power + special modifiers
Defender skill result if defense action declared + henchmen in territory + consolidated power
+ additional power if defense action declared + special modifiers.
Results of a territorial combat
The winning party takes control of the territory and the ability to draw commodities from the area. The winning party removes 1 D6 henchmen; the losing party removes 1D10 henchmen.
As owner of a territory it becomes your business to know everything happening in the area, including those hiding in it and opportunities available.
Plots: Once you own a territory you will obtain an indication of potential plots that can be undertaken in the area and you may also elect your own appropriate to the territory.
Enemy HQ: If an enemy HQ is located within the territory you will learn its location. You may attempt to take the action Assault Enemy HQ from the subsequent turn.
Tactical Positions: Certain territories contain Tactical buildings or constructs. As soon as you take control of a territory you can elect to assault and capture a Tactical position. Tactical positions can then be treated as territories within a territory and can have defenders assigned to them. Power can not be consolidated into a tactical position.
Draw Commodity: You may draw 1d6 commodities from the area or commodities equal to half your henchmen in the area.
Trade Commodity: You may trade power or supplies commodity for power, henchmen or supplies commodity that is available in adjacent territories to those you control. YOU MAY NOT TAKE THIS ACTION IF YOU DO NOT HAVE AN HQ.
Setup HQ (2PTS): You may setup your HQ in a territory you control. You may only have one HQ. You need an HQ or forward command base to issue Henchmen logistic orders, to trade and draw commodities or to attack territories.
Flee HQ (1 or 2pts): You may declare to flee your HQ and abandon it. If you own another adjacent territory you may declare to move to it taking henchmen with you. If not then you must declare which adjacent territory you are fleeing to and instead take an infiltrate action. Your henchmen will not be able to join you and you will not be able to issue them orders until you setup a forward command base or another HQ. If your base is assaulted whilst you attempt to flee you will make an initiative skill check against the attacker, if you fail then you must deal with the assault. You may spend a drama point to guarantee success on this action.
Attack Territory/Tactical: You may attack any territory adjacent to one you already control. Your character must attend the attack. (if multiple player characters join an attack only the designated leader may use his skill, the other characters add +2 to the attack as sidekicks)
Defend Territory/Tactical: You can elect to defend a territory in an active way. You will add your skill to any defense rolls and you may choose to allocate additional power to the defense which will only be spent if an attack occurs.
Recruit: You can personally recruit 2 henchmen to join you regardless of the commodity available in the area. They will count towards your allowed henchmen total.
Consolidate power: You may permanently transfer power into an area in the form of defensive fortifications, guns, vehicle blockades and so on. You may only consolidate up to 50 power in the area total. Consolidated power is visible on the map and will appear as a power commodity value of the territory.
Bargain/ Persuade/ Incite or Coerce: You may take a social action with an NPC or open communication with a player to attempt to bargain/persuade/incite or coerce them into a specific action. On a success with an NPC you can make them take one action point of your choice in the next turn that is not considered ‘out of character’ for the NPC in question (GM ruling if not immediately obvious). Both active and passive may use power or supplies to increase their modifiers on a +1 for +1 basis. The GM will adjudicate results of PC to PC action.
Spy: You may spy on a territory to learn about its owner, and the defensive makeup of the area. You will learn about plot opportunities in the area, the number of henchmen, if there is a HQ hidden in the territory and any actions undertaken in the area and their outcomes for the remainder of the turn. You will also obtain a breakdown of the controlling characters stored supplies, power and total henchmen. You will automatically fail this action if counter spying is active in the territory.
Counter Spy: You can search for spies within a territory to learn about their intentions and automatically foil their attempts to Spy. You may also use this ability to attempt to uncover infiltrators.
Flush Out 1Pt: If you flush out a spy or infiltrator they must immediately leave the territory and head to an adjacent territory of your choosing. They will be able to make a difficult modified infiltrate test against the new territory owner. Or be automatically subject to the counterspy rules.
Ambush 2Pts: if you have uncovered an enemy infiltrator or spy you may setup an Ambush for them when they attempt to extract or next act in your territory. In doing so you will assault them, attempt to hand out a beating and take anything they have earned whilst in your territory be it plot items or commodities. But you let them go to teach them who is boss.
Capture 3pts: You may attempt to take capture of the infiltrator or spy, you may assign henchmen and power to this task which will be used as modifiers to skill rolls against their attempt to flee. Once they are captured they are taken to your HQ.
Infiltrate (2pts): You may infiltrate a territory and will be considered a member of that faction. The owner of the faction will have one attempt to discern infiltrators the first time they use the Counter Spy action with awareness vs appropriate skill check. If you are found by counter spying you may be subject to the special counter spy actions, flush out, Ambush and capture.
Once you have infiltrated a territory you will be able to undertake all actions as if you owned the territory but you may not Draw Commodities. You will have access to plots, be able to make your own plots in the area and you will be able to trade with adjacent territory commodities, you will learn if there is an HQ in the territory.
You may also perform the following actions:
Forward Command Base 2pts: You may setup a forward command behind enemy lines which will remain until your next successful attack. You may immediately move any number of henchmen you control to this territory regardless of borders. You must pay one power for every henchman moved this way. There is a chance of your base being spotted by SPY or COUNTER SPY. (You may not attack either the territory you are in or an adjacent one until the following turn)
Sow Discord: You may begin to sow the seeds of doubt in followers of the leader of this territory. A contested social roll is made vs the owner of the territory. On success 1d6 per degree of success henchmen will abandon their employer at the end of the turn.
Convert 2 pts: You may begin to sow the seeds of doubt in followers of the leader of this territory and propose a better offer or ideology. A contested social roll is made vs the owner of the territory. On success 1d6 per degree of success henchmen will abandon their employer and join your cause at the end of the turn.
Sabotage: You may attempt to sabotage operations and can lower fortifications to weaken the territory. An appropriate subterfuge or demolitions check is made against the command/awareness of the territory owner, on a success you remove 1d10 of power from consolidated power in the territory. If no consolidated power is available it is removed from the owner of the territory.
Munitions Raid 2pts: You may attempt to weaken an opponent and bolster your own by making a daring burglary. An appropriate subterfuge or check is made against the command/awareness of the territory owner, on a success you remove 1d10 of power from consolidated power in the territory and add to your own resources. If no consolidated power is available it is removed from the owner of the territory’s pool.
Spoil: You may attempt to spoil supplies. Make a larceny vs awareness check. On a success you spoil 1d10 supplies directly from the territory owner.
Steal 2pts: You may attempt to steal supplies. Make a larceny vs awareness check. On a success you steal 1d10 supplies directly from the territory owner.
Extraction 2pts: You may attempt to leave an infiltrated territory with a dramatic exit or by stealthy means. If you have not been found by counter spy a standard difficulty check will enable you to succeed.