The in play timeline begins 6 weeks from the end of the last story. You may submit your downtime actions for this period.
In addition all players are invited to recalculate their character sheets. PL10 xp plus the total XP awarded on your sheet.
Players may use XP points to purchase powers/gadgets as in the rules book.
Victory points may be used to realise large accomplishments in Downtime period subject to GM approval. You may also use a Victory Point to obtain large bonuses to your starting commodities on a 1 for 20 basis.
A new character sheet will be made available, it will contain 3 stats in addition to the standard mutants and masterminds sheet. These will be Supplies, Henchmen and Power.
You will automatically gain 6 weeks of the appropriate commodity from your starting territory at the beginning of this game. But you may purchase additional commodities on a one for one basis with your xp (this is an expensive way to gain them so carefully factor in whether it is neccessary).