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District: The Bowery


Welcome to Soul On The Rocks, Gotham’s best known punk bar, and the only one that features live shows from Kitty Litter every second Sunday of the month. Owned by Martin Parker, the place has come a long way since it belonged to his parents under the generic Parker’s name and nowadays, it’s nearly always crowded and loud.


  • There’s a live band almost every night, but they get their big names on weekends.


  • The bar hasn’t been cleaned in years, and they take damn pride in it.


  • The name of the bar comes from the Buzzcock’s song, Soul on a Rock.


  • Most of the people who drink here have at least a dozen tattoos, and probably several they don’t remember getting or realize they have.


  • They’re notorious for not checking IDs, mostly because people who are under 18 generally stay clear.


  • Not a lot of women end up here, so when one does show up, they usually get attention whether it’s wanted or not.


  • The bartender, Jake, has a thing for redheads and often provides free drinks.


  • It’s unwise to look at anyone funny or put a Green Day song on.


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