Gotham has seen a period of calm and prosperity unlike anything in its troubled history, the war on crime has been declared successful. Crime rates have hit an all time low, with most being non organised and opportunistic in nature. Most of the known crime lords and public menaces are locked up, have fled or are in deep hiding. The older and perhaps wiser residents who have seen atrocities committed in their city believe it is just a matter of time and the peace can't last but those willing to have faith believe that out of the ashes of their troubled past a new Gotham shall rise towards the sun. Unemployment is down, business profits are up and the whole economy is starting to show signs that Gotham could be at the start of a massive economic growth period. Investors are licking their lips, new buildings are being constructed and the docks have never been so busy. Gotham has always had its fair share of vigilantes but their appearances become more infrequent by the month and the GCPD has recently issued a non too subtle public statement to thank those that have in the past helped the city regain its feet and sternly remind them that it is and has always been the GCPD's job to protect the law and remind the public that vigilante justice is illegal. It has been 18 months since the Batman was last confirmed sighted and many witnesses on the Gotham bridge claim to have seen him shot at point blank by a man with a unusual face before falling into the icy river below. Several figures are alleged to have unofficially claimed responsibility for the murder including the now incarcerated ex-attorney Harvey Dent and crime lord Roman Sionis.
I sit here now in this cold lonely office staring out at the cracked mask of a city desperateyly trying to sell us a lie. A city of hope and glittering young entrepeuners they say, a state of the art police force they say, new money, new business, a new dawn as Gotham rises to meet the sun. Sounds great if you're young with wealthy parents or know someone who will throw you a bone or are willing to suck cock to get a fraction of a way to the top, but no let's be honest that aint true of most of us. IN fact most of us are going to die lonely and broke in a gutter staring up at these sad blue and glass towers wondering why the police officer won't let us officially report the mugging. That's the truth behind the statistics my friends. The people in this city , the rich powerful people in this city, would tell the world that Gotham is all better now as they continue to try and shovel the shit, yeah that's you buddy, off their shoes. It's a new dawn they say...
So I think it is time for us to embrace this perfect fucking world of theirs and take the opportunity to be their metaphorical sun, let's see what really rises up from the gutters when the truth is laid bare.
I challenge you my friends to show the world what real entrepeuners look like, how shallow the lies of the politicians are, how fragile everything is that our disgusting glitterazi of Gotham have tried to paper over. Let them have their fucking day in our sun and when they come crashing down to earth and night sets we'll make sure they know who is down here with them.
- LuCypher
The Fallen.
Gotham City: Background information 01
Gotham City: Background information 02
FALLEN Communication 01
FALLEN Communication 02
FALLEN Communication 03
>>>> Wasnt that fun, I imagine you will be able to read about it in the Gotham Times fairly soon.
I guess what was in the vault will remain a mystery but if it is what I suspect then I feel very sorry for whoever pisses off that particular individual.
Commiserations Mr Cobblepot and friends I noticed you were only 10 minutes late to finding the container despite not working out the Cypher. Did you think you would simply break in?
NEXT TIME play the game by MY rules or I will make some of your more interesting accounts and transactions available to the district attorney.
It is almost time to get serious, so I might throw some more opportunitys your way. Synchronise watches boys and girls.
The final can be found by knowing the other two correct districts, a larger district of two lies between them both enter it, head gently south east into the next district and then follow the coast heading east to begin with until you come to the fifth bridge on your travel. Cross it and then follow the coast West until the last bridge, cross here again. From the district you are now in head north for two districts. Go East one district. North one. The biggest building in this district contains what you seek.
>>>> Well done to Big Bellys latest employees. I was concerned to hear that witnesses saw a woman being tasered and bundled into the back of a van at the University. I hope that it wasnt any of you, if it was and you're still alive then congratulations on making the front page of the Gotham Times.
I wanted to alert you all that I've found something very interesting indeed but it might require a quick response as in today. I'll see if I can decode the password on the file and I will get the details to you by the end of the hour..
(posted at 20:28pm 6/10/2014)
FALLEN Communication 04
Title. Double click me.
The Batman looks out his window and challenges a gangster, a vigilante, and a Genius
to fence off the largest amount of area using the least amount of fence.
The Black Mask made his fence in a circle and said it was the most efficient.
Nightwing made a long line and said that the length was infinite. Then he said that fencing half of the Earth was the best.
The Genius laughed at the others and with his design, beat the others.
What did he do?
If you want to know just tell me his name
The Genius made a small fence around himself and declared himself to be on the outside.
My dear 'employer'.
I will not be controlled, I will not be commanded, I am not your servant or a slave.
Gotham is Fallen by my design not yours.
You accuse me of overstepping my role but who gave you the right to act as a god.
No I am now the gatekeeper and you handed me the keys.
You are the one who has failed this city.
You made it insane and then you thought you could walk away.
You asked me to help prove your legacy, well this is it.
You are done and this was your last hope.
To think that others could really hope to mask the cracks you made.
You wanted me to challenge your little proteges, I did, and now I am bored.
It is clear as the sky that they are simply not up to the task.
They cannot cope and now they will dissapear one by one into the rising abyss.
Your legacy lies on the cusp of ruin through no fault but your own.
I once warned you it would end like this.
You never listened when we first met. It is too late now.
Now it is time to enjoy your Operation Endgame.
Like my Bank heist idea, it will not go the way you want but it will be for the best.
Your legacy lies as broken and shattered as you now are.
You wanted what amounts to a wargame.
Well now you have one.
PUZZLE SOLVER: +2 Investigation Modifier
Please inform the GM, please do not aid others in finding this page.
I awoke this morning whilst dreaming of foxes and despite my best judgement I felt i couldnt just leave it as is...
Wednesday 11pm
Well it's certainly been a riot, although many wouldnt have noticed.
I guess we are coming to the end as always promised.
Turn 14
You have to fall to get back up and strive higher so they say.
The power district old Docks
Yes, Yes, It's all Grimm right now i know, but my suspicion is that Barbara should find power all too well.
beneath the old crane
Nightwing gone, the green fool shook,
and all because rotten Hades would call them crook!
i will send
Hush, we shouldnt jest Lonny dear,
there are Tims and Jasons near.
10 million dollars
I have a suspicion all will end Fine,
in spite of what Dr Grey would mind.
A nasty plague, the city should crack,
if it wasnt for Eddie risking Black.
A song in the dark cries out to all.
the metal giant plays you all for a fool.
Yet waddle we will from one lie to another,
awaiting an empire born from the brother.
Most will fail, but one will win,
and you i shall count among my kin.
In life we can but hope to leave a ripple,
afterall, anyone, can become a cripple.
'nos qui vivimus in die vincimus'