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Presence • Interaction


You’re skilled in dealing with people, from etiquette and social graces to a way with words and public speak- ing, all of which helps to get your point across, make a good impression, negotiate, and generally win people over to your way of seeing things.


In negotiations, all participants roll Persuasion checks to see who gains the advantage. Opposed checks also resolve cases where two advocates plead opposing cases before a third party.

Non-player characters each have an initial attitude towards you or your cause. The GM chooses the character’s initial attitude based on circumstances. Most of the time, people are favorable or indifferent toward you, but a specific circumstance or complication may call for a different attitude.

You can improve others’ attitudes with a DC 15 Persuasion check. Success improves the subject’s attitude by one step, while every two additional degrees of success improve it by another step (so two steps at three degrees, three steps at five degrees, and so forth). Failure means no change, and more than a degree of failure worsens the subject’s attitude by one step! In the case of a hostile subject, they may outright attack or otherwise interfere with you if their attitude worsens. 


















Persuading someone is at least a standard action, usually quite a bit longer. The GM decides if you can persuade at all once a conflict has broken out! Even if the initial check succeeds, the other character can only be persuaded so far; you can try again in the same scene, but you check against the subject’s initial attitude, and may end up worsening it rather than improving it! The GM may apply a circumstance penalty in further ne- gotiations because you’ve placed yourself in a disadvanta- geous position. 

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